Philosopher, Author & Philosophical Practitioner

Founding president of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association
Professor of Philosophy, The City College of New York
Faculty, World Economic Forum
Faculty, Horasis: The Global Visions Community
Author, international bestseller book, Plato Not Prozac (1999)

Lou Marinoff – a Commonwealth Scholar originally from Canada – is Professor and former Chair of the Philosophy Department at The City College of New York, founding President of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA), and Editor of APPA’s Journal, Philosophical Practice.

Lou collaborates with global organizations that contribute to building cultures of peace, prosperity and harmony – Biovision (Lyon), Festival of Thinkers (Abu Dhabi), Horasis (Zurich), Soka Gakkai International (Tokyo), Strategic Foresight Institute (Mumbai), and the World Economic Forum (Davos).

Lou has authored several international bestsellers — Plato Not Prozac, Therapy for the Sane, The Middle Way, The Power of Tao, The Inner Philosopher (a dialogue with Daisaku Ikeda) — that apply philosophy to the resolution of everyday problems. The New York Times weekend magazine called him “the world’s most successful marketer of philosophical counseling.”

Lou co-founded the American Philosophical Practitioners Association in 1999. APPA trains philosophers – as well as other professionals – to practice philosophy with individuals, groups and organizations. APPA has certified practitioners in more than 30 US States and 20 countries internationally.

Lou has been featured in three documentary films to date, two of them focused on professional sports. He is a three-time Canadian Table Hockey champion (1978-80) and is currently on the comeback trail. He won the Las Vegas Open in 2008 and 2009, is four-time New York City Table Hockey Association classic champion, 2012 Johnny Good Guy champion, and 2015 Tri-State champion (NY, NJ, PA). He is a legend and ambassador of the sport.

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